World > North America > Canada > BC > Vancouver > Indian Arm

  Map of Indian Arm

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Admiralty Point | Bedwell Bay | Belcarra | Best Point | Bishop
Bolder Island  | Cates Park | Croker Island | Granite Falls |
Grey Rocks | Jug Island
Indian River Estuary | Hamber Island | Lone Rock Point | Power Station
Silver Falls | Racoon Island | Thwaytes Landing | Twin Island | Wigwam Inn

Grey Rocks

A safe bet for a windy day. On most days you will paddle into the wind to reach Grey Rocks, making for an easier trip home.

Distance from Deep Cove: 3 km

Paddling Time One Way: Fast: 20 min. Avg: 30 min. Leisurely: 40 min.

Suggested Route: Paddle south (right hand side) from Deep Cove along the west shore of Indian Arm. You can't miss it.


  • Current (maximum speed of 1 knot)
  • Motorboat traffic

Features: Grey Rocks Island is a very small privately owned Island with a beautiful house located on it. Grey Rocks is located in the middle of Strathcona Bay. There is a little park located on the mainland in between all the homes, in the very corner of Strathcona Bay.

Nature: There is an interesting rocky shoal on the south-east side of Grey Rocks. This is inter-tidal, making for a great place to observe underwater marine life, such as crabs, and sea stars.

Photos and information courtesy of
Deep Cove Canoe and Kayak Centre

[See Metro Map of Vancouver] [See Vancouver Road Atlas]